Posted on 7/26/2022

Your car's engine is typically its heart. In the case that it comes on, then you need to do something about it. The behavior of the light depends on the problem. The lights can either stay illuminated or keep blinking, in the latter case then it means the car needs immediate attention. How it Works The check engine light is turned on by your car's diagnostic computer system when it detects a problem that is or will affect the car's functionality. Together with other warning lights like the seatbelt symbol and fuel symbol light, the check engine light comes on every time the car starts. Don't be bothered by this, it is normal however, if the light stays on then there may be a serious issue. The 5 common reasons why your Check Engine Light came on Gas Cap Issue: This is one of the easiest and cheapest ones to fix. Check if the gas cap is loose and also check if it is missing or damaged. If not fixed, you will lose a lot of fuel to the atmosphere. Malfunction of the ... read more