Every car owner should be able to recognize some signs that your car needs repairs. Whether it is for your engine or your breaks, your car will need repairs every once in a while. Windshield wipers are no different. Even though you might not think about it all of the time, windshield wipers are arguably one of the more important parts of your car. If you couldn't see out of your front windshield, it would make every other function of the car useless. Even the best sports car would be stuck if the driver couldn't see the road in front of him.
We all know that windshield wipers need to be replaced and replaced often. If you are anything like the average person, you probably are confused about what signs you need to be watching for before you replace them and how long you need to wait in between. Experts recommend replacing your windshield wipers every 6 to 12 months, depending on the weather in your area. Keep reading for the main signs it's time to get that fresh set of wipers.
The first thing you might notice is streaking, or smudging. This is what happens when that bird poop you tried to wipe off ends up leaving a long streak or smudge instead of cleaning it off. It is probably not your wiper solution, but your wipers themselves.
The second thing you might notice is either squeaking or bumping. If your wipers sound like the brakes on a 1970 Honda that hasn't been in the shop since your high school prom, it's definitely time to get a fresh set. The bumping comes in when you hear "thud" "thud" "thud" whenever you try to get a better view.
Continuing to use your wipers when you've noticed any of the above problems can cause wear and tear on your windshield and make problems much worse. While this is a stressful situation for every driver, there is help. We invite you to take your vehicle into our shop where one of our experienced technicians is happy to help you.